Pages tagged "Position Statements"
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Asylum Seekers
The Animal Justice Party (AJP) will act upon its core principles of Kindness, Equality, Rationality and Non-Violence, by responding to the suffering of those persons who are forced to leave their countries of origin...
The Animal Justice Party (AJP) relies upon our core values of Kindness, Equality, Rationality and Non-Violence in forming our position to stamp out corruption in all of its forms and in all levels and arms...
First Nations
The Animal Justice Party (AJP) recognises the horrific treatment of First Nations people since European arrival and endorses every effort to rectify these long-standing injustices. We understand that First Nations communities that...
People without a home is an indictment on our society Everyone has the right to adequate housing. The Animal Justice Party urges the Australian Commonwealth, state and territory governments to meet their international obligations to...
Marriage Equality
The Animal Justice Party supports equal marriage for all. This flows easily from our core value of equality.
The AJP recognises the basic scientific fact that vaccinations have been among the most successful of all modern medical interventions. Together with antibiotics and modern plumbing they have reduced human suffering on...
Voluntary Euthanasia
The AJP supports voluntary euthanasia with appropriate safeguards to ensure that the choice is free and well informed. This choice should only be available when a person is diagnosed with a disease, illness or...