You are helping us bring a voice for animals into Australia's political system.
Can you help us fight the next election?
The Animal Justice Party relies on donations to be able to run in Elections. Through your generosity, we have grown significantly in our reach and our vote is increasing at every election.
You're a member again. Now get yourself kitted out!
Our clothing is 100% cruelty-free, fair trade and organic. All profits go towards funding the Animal Justice Party at the next Federal Election. AJP SHOP HERE.
Renewing members can use Discount Code "AJPVIC2021" to get $10 OFF your next order!
Renewing for another person?
Make sure to firstly sign out of the system by clicking the SIGN OUT link at the top right-hand side of this Page (next to the name of the member who has just renewed).
If you don't sign out before renewing another member you will effectively delete the member who has just renewed by overwriting their data!
Once you have signed out you can renew for another member from the RENEW MEMBERSHIP tab on the main menu.
To use our online system members must have their own email address
Unfortunately, you cannot enter an email already used by another member, such as a family member.
To renew without an email address or for any queries, please contact us at [email protected] or 0420 403 213 (biz hours).