Become a Member
We’re calling on animal lovers of the ACT to become members of the only Australian political party dedicated to protecting all animals.
The more Members we have, the louder our collective voice will be in safeguarding animal interests and achieving lasting legislative and policy change.
For ONLY $44 per year, your membership will help us grow and become an unrelenting powerhouse for political change — as we strive each day to champion the rights of all animals.
A $22 Concession Rate for a discounted membership rate is available if you're a concession cardholder or a supporter facing financial hardship.
Financial membership is for one full year and will renew automatically each year unless opted out beforehand.
If you live in a different state than the ACT, you can become a Member of your State through our National Website.
Please ensure you enter your details exactly as they match the Electoral Roll.
You can check your enrolment here.
Public Servants
Under Australian law, public servants are recognised as citizens and are entitled to participate and be involved in political activities, with a few minor restrictions.
Advice on the Australian Public Service Commission’s website says “APS employees may participate in political activities as part of normal community affairs. They may also join, or hold office in, political parties.”
When participating in political activities, such as handing out How-to-Vote cards, running a stall or doorknocking, the general rule of thumb is: if an APS employee is involved in political campaigning, they should make it clear they are not undertaking these activities as part of their official duties. For example, they should not wear anything that identifies them as an APS employee at party political meetings. APS employees must not use government resources including email, telephones, photocopiers and fax machines for any political activity.
Public servants can join, too!
To put it in simple terms: you must be able to separate your professional work from your personal politics.
Generally, it is best that when you are engaging in political activities that you don’t directly discuss or make comment on issues that are directly relevant to the area that you work in. Importantly, make sure your manager at work is aware when you are going to be participating in political activities. This will maintain trust between yourself and your employer.