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Prevent Future Pandemics

The global COVID-19 pandemic must be a wake up call for our governments. The pandemic has exposed the fragility of our society, caused unimaginable loss and suffering, and threatened the livelihoods of communities.

While the immediate source of the coronavirus is still under investigation, animal wet markets are unsurprising suspects as they create ideal situations for disease generation, expansion and the eventual spread to people. Science shows that three out of every four new, emerging diseases come from intensive animal operations.

To prevent future pandemics, we must address their root cause - the mistreatment and intensive exploitation of animals, and the destruction of their habitat.

We're campaigning for permanent, significant changes to the treatment of animals and their environments. Please sign and show your support for our calls for 

  1. An end to intensive factory farming practices and live export.
  2. The keeping, selling, and slaughtering of live animals in Australian wet markets to be prohibited.
  3. International pressure to be applied to oppose overseas wet markets.


Prevent Future Pandemics

3 Signatures Collected

Only 24,997 more until our goal of 25,000

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